TreeBlue are a Greentech start-up, delivering a unique low-cost and scalable solution to better monitor and manage our urban forests.
Combining IoT (Internet-of-Things), satellite imagery, weather forecasts, and Artificial Intelligence, TreeBlue can predict the health of trees, providing prescriptive maintenance recommendations including optimising watering and fertilising.
Urban Forests

Why Now?
On our current trajectory scientists predict that global temperatures will rise by 2C by 2050. We’re already witnessing the impacts of climate change, with droughts and fire ravaging Australia, widespread flooding across Europe, and increasing frequency and ferocity of hurricanes in North America.
The global community MUST act now to reduce our impact on the environment and climate.
Planting trees is one of the biggest and cheapest ways of taking CO2 out of the atmosphere to tackle the climate crisis.
Governments are starting to respond.
In Australia;
The federal government has committed to planting 1 billion trees by 2030
NSW has committed to doubling the tree canopy by 2040
Victoria will plant 500,000 tress across six councils
Sydney will double the tree canopy by 50%
Perth will increase urban forests by 11 hectares over 10 years
Up to a 1/3 of trees are dying within the first year – mostly due to over and under watering.
Almost 15% of urban trees are in high stress
As we plant more trees, the bigger the problem
How TreeBlue Works

Treeblue provides a unique and holistic data-driven solution to monitor urban trees.
This includes IoT sensors, a dynamic tree register cloud platform, and mobile App. Our AI combines multiple data inputs to provide a range of predictive and prescriptive recommendations to support more efficient tree maintenance, watering and fertilising.
A partnership with TreeBlue includes all installation, training, customisation, API integration to other services, and shareable data for the community.
Contact Us
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